Even With All the Aquarius ~ 4 February 2011

While I was not able to attend the recent River of Stars conference in Hawaii because of a boatload of circumstances, I did hire a videographer to film the presentations I was scheduled to do. And now, that DVD is available! This DVD contains two new exciting lectures: The Consciousness of the Solar System and Haumea - Hawaii’s Heavenly Namesake. For more details use the links to my store at the end of this Galactic Times. There’s still time before Valentine’s Day to get your relationship report (and personal report, too) to steer individual courses on similar paths. No other report out there contains so many centaurs that add an additional layer of insight. Finally, from the marketing department, there’s no time like now to schedule a consult and use the creative push of the times for maximum results, as I am soon to be shuffling between a few major writing projects and preparing to shoot a documentary.


Yesterday as I fired up the computer and got into Solar Fire to view the day’s chart, the lopsidedness drew my not yet fully caffeinated eyeballs askew. In Aquarius stood Mercury, Ceres, Sun, Mars, Moon, Neptune and Chiron. Standing nearby was Uranus in the last degrees of Pisces hanging with Jupiter in Aries. And on the other side of nearby, Pluto and Venus joined the node in clearly tipping the chart on its side. Why has no one called for the end of the world? Is this not equal to the 1962 alignment of Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius? For those who were not occupying bodies at this time, the news hype promised the Earth would split in two, mayhem would result and the world would end. Is the lack of hysteria for an equal number of bodies in Aquarius off set by Saturn’s placement in Libra? Is it that all the classical planets were in Aquarius at the same time in 1962 and here we substitute unpredictable Uranus? I dunno. Maybe everyone is too obsessed with 2012, what Betelgeuse might do, the new planet announcement (planets around other stars), or too busy simply coping with life.


I vote for the last of these options. Still, astrologers might do well to tout the best of Aquarius in these times. The civil unrest in many African countries draws the attention of the world as those held in dire circumstances by their governments fight back. That’s rather Aquarian in a good way. Following the tragedy in Tucson, dialogue is beginning to seek a way for better gun control and gun access measures. However, this is polarized by an Aquarian and former VP candidate speaking to a high income big game hunting group last weekend and stating that these efforts intend to take a person’s guns away and no such controls can be allowed. This combo sort of nulls out. Here inthe United States it appears that the new health care bill will go to the Supreme Court for review. Quite possibly, health care measures in place for so many for the first time, will be taken back from those who desperately need them. Even though the call in this country has been for saner, calmer talk regarding sensitive critical issues, vitriolic venom persists. But at least with Aquarius, the water bearer, so prominent, water cleanliness minimums in the United States have been mandated to return to previous cleaner standards.


It is true that all signs hold a high degree of polarity when manifesting the extremes of their nature. But with Aquarius and awareness of its signatures, what a fantastic time to recommit to higher-minded, altruistic, for the good of making this planet the best it can be and for all the people on it. Let’s appeal to this lopsidedness to restore balances.


Presently we’re coming off an era in which Venus shimmered in the direction of the Galactic Center. Known for insights, progressive ideas, fabulous brainstorms and more, she sauntered by our local supermassive black hole looking for valuable concepts, inspirations and creative nuggets. As she enters Capricorn and kicks it into gear with the fastest spinning pulsar known, she’s going to be eager to get the seeds of galactic insight sown as quickly and properly as possible. If her intent is focused, she’ll be able to get work done faster than is believed can be done. Of course, labor unions, which could be fairly represented by Aquarian signatures, don’t want to see her work at nearly the speed of light - especially if she gets results. You know, it puts the other workers to shame.


Perhaps the most compelling part of the soon-to-fade (the Moon has moved on and Chiron soon heads off to other zodiacal placeholder locations) Aquarian stellium, comes from the proximity of Chiron and Neptune to an amazing black hole system Cygnus X-3, located at 28 Aquarius 36 epoch 2000.0. With Chiron and Neptune bracketing Cygnus X-3, recent astronomical reports observe notable changes in the emanation of this black hole. From an astrological point of view this makes total sense; Cygnus X-3 is being persuaded to offer up its most inspiring, healing energies.


This particular black hole possesses the unique ability to spawn great creative ideas. Imagination bends around a Möbius strip-like race track until the perfect, brilliant manifestation appears. The creativity brought forth to the collective courtesy of Chiron and Neptune is unlimited. The only difficulty: the concepts that emerge typically take five years to manifest. With ideas that vastly exceed the current collective ability of comprehension, taking a decade or more for full manifestation is common. But when the ideas do take hold, the reports will declare another amazing overnight success. Yep, overnight all right.


So if a person chooses to engage Cygnus X-3, patience is a must. As is the case with birthing any major concept, idea, invention, philosophy, there will be frustrations, setbacks, pitches that fail to impress and on and on. What’s a genius to do? The orbital period of Cygnus X-3 runs 4.8 hours. When there is a need to pause, reflect, process through a catharsis or something similar, relax and take five hours or thereabouts to chill out and go with the cycle’s compelling flow.


Taking time out means sit back and deal with it - whatever it is. Deal with it means focus upon the matter at hand without distraction. A few rounds of video games, a tweet marathon or such things that occupy the mind cannot be engaged during such reflecting. Sure maybe raking leaves or shoveling show might be okay as little mind stress is endured while doing so and the activity pushes around physical energy. During a Cygnus X-3 five hour retreat, two peaks occur. The first appears with a vivid cathartic crescendo occurring about three hours into the process. This peak follows a quiet hour or two of slowly building emotions that rise after quelling mental chatter in the first hour. During the cathartic crescendo, emotions run high, dominating the psychic landscape. But the peak only takes a few moments - minutes - to clear and reset the psyche.


After the peak wanes, a quieting interval occurs. The common reaction is: That’s done. Now back to life. “Not so fast,” warn the emanations of the black hole. There’s going to be another lesser crescendo at about hour four. But after a fun-filled psychically unblocking purge, who wants to purge again? Exactly. Should one pursue the second wave with vigor and enthusiasm, the effort ensures all aspects of what is being cleared completely clears, leaving no backwash, residue or left overs to drag around until the next interval in which the Cygnus X-3 clearinghouse comes calling.


Why not take on these Cygnus clearings given the stimulation of the healing Chiron and inspiring Neptune? Typically senses seem stronger after a Cygnus X-3 clearing. Colors are brighter. Smells are more extreme. Touch is heightened. Life becomes more vivid, and in such vividness, the essence of creativity returns unencumbered. As well, a sense of lightness and humor returns.


Consider the lack of humor displayed this week in American corporate affairs. Someone at Allstate insurance decided to have some fun. This someone plotted all auto accidents reported to their company during 2010 by astrological sign! When this came out, people went crazier than those who have been writing me telling me what garbage astrology is despite the age of no vitriol. It seems those insured by Allstate freaked out that perhaps the actuarial tables were being computed using astrology. The horror. Quickly, Allstate pulled the content, but not before a CNN money link posted it. I copied the raw data and made my own chart of the results, which I have posted on my website’s Galactic Times page. (Yes, you have to go there, so you’re one step closer to the store, buying DVD’s, reports and signing up for consultations.) The only skewing thing Allstate did in their astro fun time is they included the 13th sign, Ophiuchus. Despite handling snakes while driving - a task more daunting than texting and driving, Ophiuchans seem to be reasonably good drivers. Given the Super Bowl is coming upon us, any bets as to best and worst drivers by sign?


Here's the chart (NOTE: OP represents Ophiuchus):


Allstate by Sign

Coming soon in a GT near you, a look at the next couple of months considering some amazing Sun-centered patterns.